The cloaks we’ll be looking at include a tail flag which is what we want to remove. Each armor item may include flags telling the game which body parts the item hides.

We’ll accomplish this edit by causing the tail to clip through the cloak and assume there’s a hole. Makes sense to me, but some may prefer to see the tail. In Skyrim, a cloak normally hides the tail since the cloak covers the tail. By following the same procedure, you may alter other cloak mods to do the same. Our goal is to make a patch plugin to override the cloaks from Chesko’s Campfire using SSEedit (圎dit).

This is a beginner-level DiY project to allow Khajit and Argonian tails to show with a worn Campfire cloak. Skyrim Frostfall and Survival Armor Edit for Warmth

Skyrim SE - XPMSSE: Modify Weapon Positions Convert Black Sacrament Armor to SE Step-by-Step