Anyway, they're both optional for this mod but they let you mess with some settings This is actually really simple. What I meant was NVSE (New Vegas Script Extender) and MCM (Mod Configuration Menu). Okay ignore my previous response I am in the root directory I see a nvse and nvac see but the file type is text documents is that the files I wan How to tell if NVSE/Project Nevada installed? - New Vegas Fallout New Vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins To check if NVAC is working, look for the nvac.log file in the game's root installation directory. These are the steps I take to run it:1.) NVSE_Loader is located in my C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas2. I installed this one and it still didn't workI don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have Steam Community In-Game Enabled ticked to on unless the check mark means it is off but I doubt that is the case of 2 - NVSE not Running! - posted in New Vegas Mod Troubleshooting: Two weeks ago, I couldn't get NVSE to work so I waited patiently for NVSE (1_Beta5). I have everything installed in the right place Program Files (x86) > Steam > Steam Apps > Common > Fallout New Vegas. of 3 - NVSE Not Working - posted in New Vegas Mod Troubleshooting: Hello everybody I just can't seem to get NVSE to work. nvse file For Example One Of My Saves Is Called rex.fos (Original Save File) (.fos = FallOutSave Or Something Like This) And Under This Save There Is A File Called rex.

When You Launch New Vegas Through FNV4GB.exe Or Through NVSE.exe NVSE Should Be Active This Is Also Seeable When YOu Navigate To My Documents -> My Games -> FalloutNV -> Saves Than There Should Be Beneath Your Normal Save A. Home Fallout new vegas how to check if nvse is working